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To open a shop, you must open an account on Designful Market. After login to your account, you need to fill in the relevant forms and save your application by clicking the Open a Shop tab under My Account or at the bottom of the Designful Market site. Each application will be evaluated by the technical team within an average of two days and you will be responded to.

To stop undercutting we have minimum pricing for all products. We also offer up to 85% commission on all sales.

As a shop owner, you can withdraw the money accumulated in your account via paypal or payoneer. The money in your account must be at least $50.

If the money in your account is over $50, you can request the money in your account by going to the payout section of your admin panel. The money will be transferred to your account within a maximum of 10 working days.

To save your products as freebies, go to the shop admin panel. Click on the product page and click the edit button on the products you want to save as freebies. On the edit page go to price section and click the check box which is “Save as a Freebie design”.

No You can upload Png, Jpeg, ttf and zip file.

Only JPEG and PNG images are allowed to upload. The each uploaded image have to be in min. 750x500, max 3000x2000 image size and lower than the 10mb file size.

When you add a new product, the first image you upload is assigned as the main image. You can upload up to 10 images. If the picture you want to use as the main picture is not the first picture, slide the picture you want to make the main picture as the first picture.

You can upload up to 5 files which each file size can be max 100mb.

If the product which uploaded on your shop against our policy it will be removed.

In order to set up your shop go to shop admin panel click to Settings and start to setting up your shop.

Login to your Designful Market account then click the "Shop Manager", select "Products" section, click "Add New Product" button and fill up the form.

In order to create discount coupon go to your shop admin panel and click to marketing section to add new discount coupon.

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